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2022 Burgers & Ballots
September 28 & 29
October 5, 6, 11 & 12
Association of Pennsylvania State College & University Faculties (APSCUF)
Nonpartisan student PA voter registration and
vote-by-mail registration events. Held at East Stroudsburg University. (Pennsylvania)
A total of 1,200 burgers, and nearly as many hotdogs, were served over the six (6) BBQ cookout/ live music events. Veggie burgers made up some of this total and were served based on student preference. Many hundreds of water bottles were given out. Brilliant live music acts were performed throughout, ranging from classic rock to pop, including a Latin Grammy nominated singer/producer. Over the course of all the events combined, over 400 students are estimated to have registered.

Movies Are Further Down Below, and are short. (click here to jump to their location):
A) ** Inspirational ESU Student Speeches!
B) ** Amazing Musical Performances! ...and
C) ** Volunteer Student & Faculty Interviews!
Dr. Maria Kitchens-Kintz (Center; Drummer & Singer; Associate Dean) and her amazing Burgers & Ballots Band (Rollin' Sushi Band). Maria's husband (spectacularly talented; Left) is the Lead Singer, Guitarist & Harmonica player; Lead Guitarist (Right).
Volunteer, Toni Heller (Right), helping two (2) students register.
Volunteer Dr. Howard (Sandy) Whidden (2nd from Left in the foreground, wearing blue sweeter) helping register a student.
Volunteer Dr. Chris Kavanau (far Right; Organizer of Burgers & Ballots) helping register a student.
Volunteer and Distinguished Professor/Alumni, Dr. Terry Master (Left), helping a student to register.
Apparently Dr. Master's assistance (from above) was contagious!! Another student is registering!
Volunteer Mr. Evan Casey Lish was the consummate master chef demonstrating his extraordinary BBQ expertise. Many students, faculty and volunteers were stunned by how delicious his BBQ was. Evan has an extraordinary skill for using spices and heating techniques. Evan was a sensation!
Student volunteer, John Santana, is seen here handing food to a student. John is an ESU Senior majoring in Political Science. John was also one of the nonpartisan inspirational student speakers at the events concerning the civic virtues of voting.
Emmy award nominee singer and volunteer nonpartisan inspirational speaker, Ian Holmes
Volunteer Justin Edwards, nonpartisan inspirational ESU student speaker. Justin is an ESU Senior majoring in political science.
Volunteer Emma Kimble, nonpartisan inspirational ESU student speaker.
Volunteer Kari Holmes, nonpartisan inspirational speaker & singer performer.

Nonpartisan student speaker, Justin Edwards (ESU political science major).

Nonpartisan student inspirational speaker, John Santana (ESU political science major).

Volunteer Dr. Chris Kavanau helping register two (2) students.

This student literally just submitted his voter registration! (with help from volunteer Dr. Chris Kavanau)

Volunteer Dr. Chris Kavanau helping register three (3) students.
Volunteer Dr. Chris Kavanau helping register two (2) students. These two students had just finished a club charity event at one of the tables further on up the walkway (seen at the back).
Volunteer Dr. Chris Kavanau helping a student register.
Volunteer Dr. Terry Master (Distinguished ESU Professor & faculty alumni; 2nd from left) helping serve students their burgers.
Volunteer Dr. Howard (Sandy) Whidden (Right) helping a student to register to vote.
Volunteer, Dr. Nick D'Angelo, being interviewed describing the fifteen (15) students he had already helped register to vote that day on their phones. He also helped another 15 students check their voter registration status.
Volunteer Dr. Nick D'Angelo helping a student register (back right)
Volunteer Toni Heller (Right) helping register a student.
Volunteer Dr. Howard (Sandy) Whidden (2nd from Left), and volunteer Dr. Chris Kavanau (Right; Organizer of Burgers & Ballots) helping three (3) students to register.
Trained ESU student volunteer, Ashley Parker, demonstrating (see interview much further below) how she had already helped, so far during her shift, five (5) students to register using their phones.

Volunteer Toni Heller (Right, foreground) helping a student register by scanning the QR code.

Volunteer Dr. Robert Cohen helping a student register.

Volunteer Toni Heller (Right, foreground) helping a student register.

Volunteer Toni Heller (Right, foreground) helping a student register.
Volunteer Miss Heather Dominguez can be seen in the back of the table helping a student with her burger.
Volunteer Toni Heller (2nd from Left) helping register a student on her phone; Volunteer Dr. Chris Kavanau (Center with blue t-shirt) helping a student to register.
Volunteer Toni Heller (L) helping register two students (far left and 3rd from the left) to vote on her phone; Volunteer Dr. Chris Kavanau (R) helping a student to register.
Volunteer (Right) helping a student (Center) to register by having her scan the QR code.
Volunteer having given instructions to interested student (left) on how to scan the QR code on the sheet. Student volunteer, Justin Edwards, one of our inspirational student speakers, is seen in the background.

Volunteer Toni Heller (2nd from Right) helping a student register.
Trained student volunteer, Ivana Karataseva (ESU political science major), helping a student register. Ivana is facing the camera and behind the table.

Volunteer Dr. Chris Kavanau helping a student register on his phone
(Left) Volunteer Dr. Chris Kavanau (blue shirt on left) helping a student register; (Right) Volunteer Toni Heller helping register a student.

Volunteer staff, Miss Heather Dominguez (Biology Department Secretary), helping a student scan the QR code in order to register. Student volunteer speaker, Justin Edwards, can also be seen, far left.

MOVIES (Audio + Video)
IMPORTANT! Please be sure to unmute the audio from your browser tab which may automatically mute in Chrome and other browsers.
The Burgers & Ballots Band
(The Rollin' Sushi Band)
Amazing live Performance of
Led Zeppelin's Whole Lotta Love!
Drummer: Maria Kitchens-Kintz (Associate Dean and former Associate Provost of ESU)
Latin Grammy Nominated Ian Holmes! Ian had just finished an international tour.
This is an excerpt of his amazing live performance!
Sample Interview of Trained Student Volunteer:
Ashley Parker
Sample Faculty Volunteer Interview of Dr. Nick D'Angelo describing the 15 students he had helped register to vote so far during his shift, while also helping about an equal number of other students check their registration status.
Nonpartisan Volunteer Inspirational Speaker & Singer/Performer Kari Holmes
Nonpartisan Volunteer Student Speaker
Emma Kimble. Also, in the cover photo directly above and behind the table (facing us), ESU student volunteer, Ivana Karataseva (political science major), can be seen helping a student to register.
Ian Holmes brilliantly performs "Just the way you are" by Bruno Mars, as two students in line register, while another volunteer helps a third.
Volunteer nonpartisan inspirational speakers, Ian Holmes and Justin Edwards, warm up both students & volunteers at the launch of a Burgers & Ballots event.
Acknowledgements (in progress)
Multitudinous thanks to the students, faculty, staff and faculty alumni who volunteered to make a difference and help students register to vote and vote by mail during the 2022 Burgers & Ballots events.
Many of the student, faculty and staff volunteers were not captured/mentioned in the above photos and movies. These include:
Dr. Robert Cohen
Dr. Matthew Wallace
Dr. Thomas LaDuke
Dr. Patsie Varkados
Mr. Sean Crampsie
And numerous additional trained student volunteers!
The teamwork was remarkable!
Special thanks to Dr. Adam McGlynn, who recruited two extremely talented and dedicated ESU political science majors, Justin Edwards and John Santana, to be nonpartisan inspirational volunteer speakers concerning the civic virtues of voting and making one's voice heard.
Special thanks to Aramark for granting wavers for the Burgers & Ballots BBQ Cookouts!
Special thanks to Associate Dean Maria Kitchens-Kintz, her husband, and band, for brilliant performances of classic rock.
Special thanks to Mr. Sean Crampsie, Dr. Robert Cohen, Dr. Susan Dillmuth-Miller, Dr. Michelle Jones-Wilson and Dr. Nancy Van Arsdale for very early support & brainstorming discussions with the Organizer, concerning Burgers & Ballots.
Special thanks to Pattabiraman Neelakantan for launching the idea to include veggie burger options for students.
Special thanks to Dr. Brian Hodge for some assistance with locating musical talent.
Special thanks to Sean Crampsie and Toni Heller for providing stacks of QR code sheets for the volunteers.
Special thanks to Toni Heller for helping reserve the tables.
Super Special thanks to ESU's Provost Margaret Ball for her support.
Dr. Chris Kavanau was the Organizer of the 2022 Burgers & Ballots events at ESU (and a volunteer too). Dr. Kavanau is also the Vice President of the ESU Chapter of APSCUF.
Mr. Evan Casey Lish was both a volunteer and the Deputy Organizer of the 2022 Burgers & Ballots events at ESU.
Host: Association of Pennsylvania State College & University Faculties (APSCUF)
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